Years of experience
Inquiries conducted
Country of intervention
Millions € - Top Recovery
Knowing is anticipating and anticipating is power
Auguste Comte
TALION CONSEIL is a private detective firm licensed by the French Ministry of the Interior.
Specialists in research of information and administration of evidence usable in court for the defense of your rights, we assist you in the implementation of anti-fraud strategies for the anticipation and resolution of amicable or multi-jurisdictional disputes.
At your disposal 365/365 days, professionalism and discretion guaranteed.
Intelligence, surveillance, tracking, undercover…
Intervention’s areas
- Family law
- Business law
- Criminal law
- International law
- Administrative law

Simple information, investigation of morality or solvency, complex investigations, our intervention’s field are multiple.
We assist you in all amicable, judicial or arbitral proceedings, in civil/commercial/social or criminal matters, in France as International.
Examples inquiries for individuals
Parental authority and custody
Non-payment or review of support
Revision of the compensatory benefit
Minors: fugues, kidnapping, racketeering, associates
Pre/Post Criminal Investigation
Location of missing persons, debtors, heirs
Employer search, income, banking, movable and immovable property
Public defamation – private
Collection and verification of evidence
Moral and sexual harassment
Control of train of life
Bug search, spy cameras
Examples inquiries for professionnals
Before business association
Abusive sick leave
Competition, unfair practices
Misappropriation of customers
Clandestine work
Delivery casting
Against industrial espionage
Search for debtors
Time Use Check
Internal Thefts, Hijackings
Search for microphones, cameras
Counterfeiting, sale of off-network products
Insurance fraud
Protection of trademarks and patents
Information leak
Due diligence
Competitive intelligence
Compliance and contract management
Economic security & security
Risk Management
You need some information ?
Ask your questions, we will come back to you with as much detail as possible
Your interests are our priority
Our end-customers are all people who are interested in obtaining information as a decision support tool, or in the need to bring formal evidence to assert their rights in court.
That said, our core is to maintain on a daily basis privileged contacts with legal actors (lawyers – bailiffs – notaries – judicial officers) always in search of objective and irrefutable elements for the good defense of the interests of their clients.
They trusted us
Frequently asked questions
Can we improvise private investigator ?
The answer is clearly no.
Private detective is “the professional profession of collecting information or information intended for third parties for the purpose of defending the interests of a person, even if it does not state his or her quality or reveal the purpose of his or her mission”
The exercise of the professional activity of investigator of private law is very regulated and regulated (article L621-1 et s. of Book VI , Title II, of the Code of Internal Security).
In this same capacity, the private detective profession is subject to a strict code of ethics and to the continuous administrative control of the Ministry of the Interior through the CNAPS. (Talion Conseil – AUT-974-2118-09-26-20190715160)
… Article L624-4 – The activity referred to in Article L. 621-1 is punishable by three years’ imprisonment and a fine of 45,000 euros by unlawfully carrying out …
How much does a private investigator cost ?
Since it is a professional profession whose fees are free, the rates vary greatly depending on the duration of the mission, its complexity, or the means to implement.
For these reasons, we offer you a personalized and free quote
By way of information, the interventions of private investigators are generally priced according to the agencies between 50 and 150€ ht/h or by advantageous packages (10h, 30h, 60h…).
In this overall amount, it will also be necessary to take into account:
⁃ All additional costs: transport, accommodation, tolls and kilometric costs (0.5 to 2€ per kilometre depending on the agencies)
⁃ The CNAPS tax National Council of Private Security Activities (0.4% of the total HT) which is mandatory
⁃ VAT 8.5% (Talion Conseil = 0 VAT deductible).
Are private investigator fees refundable ?
yes, on a case-by-case basis
It is important to note that it is possible to ask the opposing party for reimbursement of the costs of investigations, on the basis of Article 700 of the Code of Civil Procedure relating to irrepetitible costs.
A number of decisions have already agreed, but this is not mandatory and remains at the discretion of the judge. Talk to your lawyer.
Does a private investigator have a duty of confidentiality and sollicitor-client privilege ?
That’s exactly true.
This is even one of the main duties of the private investigator. It is fundamental that a client be able to confide in confidence.
Since solicitor-client privilege is one of the pillars of the profession, it is doubly protected. The common law punishes the violation of the duty of confidentiality by a sentence of one year imprisonment and a fine of €15,000 (Article 226-13 of the Penal Code).
Since this sentence is considered insufficient, the Code of Ethics for the Private Detective Profession also contains an article entitled “confidentiality” (Article R631-9 of the Internal Security Code).
Is the detective's investigation report valid in court ?
Yes, and fortunately, yes!
Since 1962, the case law has remained consistent in considering that a private detective’s report is admissible in court if the facts reported are precise, impartial and objective (Cour de Cassation, Second Civil Chamber, 07/11/1962).
Consequently, the report must comply with the rules of legitimacy and loyalty of the evidence and it is up to the judge to take it into account or not (Article 1382 of the Civil Code).
Thus, the report of a professional private detective is a true legal document that presents rigorously: the legitimacy of the request, the legal framework of the mission, the formalized transcription of the investigations and the synthesized findings allowing the magistrate to quickly analyze whether or not there is a match of the evidence.
Can a private investigator do anything ? even it's illegal ?
The answer is clearly no!
The detective is neither a secret agent nor a hacker. He cannot wiretap, intercept e-mails or remotely turn on a webcam…
He is a typical citizen with the approval of the Ministry of the Interior attesting to his abilities, knowledge and means related to investigation. This does not give it any particular prerogatives.
Thus, it is the private detective’s duty to consider four concepts before accepting a mission:
Legality: the detective must have a good knowledge of the law in order to push the investigation to its maximum without entering into illegality.
⁃ Legitimacy: the request must be justified. The natural or legal person on whom you wish the detective to investigate must have a connection with you or have harmed you.
Loyalty: evidence obtained in an unfair manner (registration in a private place, incitement to commit the act one wants to observe, etc.) is illegal and unusable in court.
⁃ Proportionality: investigations must not be disproportionate to the nature of the case (Cour de Cassation, 1st Civil Chamber, 25/02/2016, 15-12403). For example, it is not reasonable to monitor a person you suspect of throwing garbage on your lawn for 6 months.
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Find us
At your disposal 7/7 days, professionalism and discretion guaranteed.
Réunion Island- 1 office to welcome you by appointment, Monday to Friday from 9 am to 6 pm
Centre d’affaires Savanna
14 rue Jules Thirel – Bât. A
97460 Saint Paul